Multi-Dimensional Urban Spaces opening
Multi-Dimensional Urban Spaces opened on the 4th of September. I had a great time, and I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who came.

Still, I went a bit quiet there, didn't I? Might have something to do with moving house and coming down with bronchitis since the opening night, I mean, maybe?

Anyway, it was a good night, and a huge experience for me, opening my first solo show. I really want to thank Vinh and Stuart at ArtSHINE for organising it, and the people at The Alley Duong Hem in Enmore for letting me have such a lovely space to exhibit (and for the gorgeous food).

I also want to thank my mate Martin for taking photos for me (not helped by my apparent inability to not pull silly faces or stand awkwardly in photos, but that is on me).

Look at that face. What is that meant to be? Damn it, James!

So go and visit The Alley, and buy some of my art!