Impirium Alphabet
One of the great things about working on Impirium has been trying brand new stuff. Making an alphabet was a first, and I was pretty much...

Mechanical lettering experiments - A
I started my new typography project with 'A' because, well, if you're starting an alphabet, that's where you begin. I wasn't sure what...

How I developed the Chordir
As I said on the Impirium page on the site, the Chordir were basically the first race I created in my Impirium designs. I caught onto the...

Impirium Shields
There's still plenty of Impirium stuff that I haven't been able to share yet, so here is a whole new area - shields. There were already a...

Impirium - The Chordir
So, hey, first update: the development title of Primal : Khaos has been updated to Impirium! Second, I'm going to be sharing the...

Primal:Khaos Pulse Rifle
There's quite a few of these designs that I'm really keen to develop. This one I was really happy with. It's based on the gun in the...

Primal:Khaos Armour designs (1)
When I started my Primal:Khaos designs, I I did start off with the helmets before I moved onto armour. I actually asked for some tips...

Primal:Khaos Plasma Launcher
This was a weapon I designed as a bit of a tribute to a comic favourite of mine: Hardware's Plaser. From the Milestone comic Hardware,...

Primal:Khaos Grenade Designs
In Primal:Khaos, part of the game is going to spent shooting stuff, and part is going to be spent blowing stuff up. Here, for your...

Primal:Khaos Melee Weapons
Primal:Khaos is going to be a game with plenty of shooting, but there's always a need to get up-close-and-personal, and so, you're going...