Impirium Pistol design (2)
This is another side arm for Impirium, one that maybe looks a bit like a sci-fi Uzi. Like the taser-inspired designs, I wanted this one...

Mechanical Text - Zero
OK, not to be confused with the letter 'O', this is very definitely the number zero. See, it even has a dash going through it. Looking at...

Some more typography and Photoshop skills
As promised, here are some more examples of how I used my vowels as a pattern. The first one was more complex than it perhaps looks - I...

Flashback - Clash in the Old Vic Tunnels
This week's flashback is another piece that ended up being the first in a series, Portals in this case. I remember just wanting to have a...

Put some vowels in your kid's bedroom (OK, that sounds weird)
As promised, I've been busy with the old Photoshop. Having a complete set of vowels meant that I could start using them as a pattern, and...

Flashback - Acquisition Page 1
I don't think I've got a single piece of work that went through as many changes as the first page of my Acquisition comic. I started...

Mechanical Text - U
The vowels are finished! I've made a few patterns out of the vowels as a set, so I'll put a few of those up over the next few weeks as...

Flashback - L'été (Summer)
You know what? I realised that, since I launched this site, there hasn't been any of the process stages for my older work. I thought I'd...

Mechanical Text - O
Another week, another vowel. Here's the letter O! #letters #lettering #typography #finishedart #sketches

Mechanical Text - Ii
Another vowel for you! If you follow my instagram, you'll have seen that this is a letter I reworked, especially the line work. I wasn't...