Mechanical Text - B
*Sigh* Maybe, just maybe, I could have made life easier on myself by not getting really committed to the idea of making B a letter that...

Robotic B-boys
I thought I'd try combining a few interests I've already used in my art in a few different ways. This isn't the first time I've put my...

Mechanical Text - T
Now that I've added 'T' to my alphabet, think about all the words I can make! Seat! Ties! Eat! Um... It! #lettering #letters #finishedart...

Geeky number patterns
Now, most of these patterns are pretty straight-forward, but I did want to use what maths knowledge I had to try some more varied stuff....

Mechanical Text - S
Carrying on with my consonants, here is my sibilant! I've started doing outlines for my letters, for when I make another alphabet....

Messing around with my numbers
This first room is new, but you might be familiar with the others here, as I used them to showcase my vowel patterns. I hadn't worked out...

Mechanical Text - R
This design was actually done before I started making my number designs, but I'm just sharing it now that I'm getting back to my letters....

Mechanical Text - 9
YES, this is the design for number 6 flipped 180°. I'm allowed to do that because, despite the protestations of fans of the number 9,...

Mechanical Text - 8
Eight was actually the final number I designed, so I had a bit of fun with it. In the penciling, I was borrowing some influences from...

Flashback - The Gentleman
Hey, I just found out The Gentleman's name! This is Robert Cornelius, the first person to take an image (a daguerrotype, not a...